Images in the Production Process of Cyber Physical Systems


The successful media logic of images in communication society lies in the fact that syntactic codes of iconic representations are transculturally, visually accessible to anyone. From a semiotic point of view, iconic images do not articulate a word because of their lack of vocabulary or collective grammar. The success of image communication is based on the syntactic code, e.g. currently the central perspective as a legisign (C.S. Peirce). The current success of the syntactic code was only an evolutionary transitional stage for iconic image communication. The postmodern 3D image overwhelms the viewer by offering him a three-dimensional world of experience which he does not need to understand as a sign for communication. The function of the 3D image is less communicative, but it is both productive and immersive. The iconic constructions of computer-aided design, CAD for short, illustrate the evolution of the image. The CAD system places the image out of the context of communicative action into the context of producing action. The image as a 3D model produces more than 1000 hands. The evolutionary step of the prospective image logic lies in the further developed overwhelming strategy of the iconic 3D production template and of the iconic immersion.


Andreas Schelske
Professor, Institute for Media Economics and Journalism / Department Management, Information, Technology, Jade University of Applied Sciences, Niedersachsen, Germany


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Form of the Image


Visualization Multimodality Discovery