Behavioral and Social-Ecological Literacy : Lifestyle Medicine as a Path to Health Equity


The shifting global burden of disease in recent decades reflects significant changes in social-ecological exposures and behavioral norms that contribute to systemic pathophysiology, including broad metabolic and neuroimmune dysfunction. Socioeconomic inequities and chronic experiences of social adversity yield differential susceptibility to such pathologies. Marginalized and under-resourced communities thus bear the brunt of disease states that are driven by allostatic overload while simultaneously having limited access to healthcare resources. Integrating behavioral and social-ecological literacy into early educational settings, community health centers, and primary care clinics can provide opportunities for preventing disease and cultivating health through empowered, supported self-management of health behaviors and mitigation of morbidogenic ecological exposures.


Rebecca Macy
Instructor of Health Psychology, Public Health, Behavioral and Health Sciences, MCPHS University, Massachusetts, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


2024 Special Focus—Health for Democracy, Democracy for Health


Social Determinants of Health, Lifestyle Medicine, Psychoneuroimmunology, Health-Related Behavior