Patient-to-Patient Value Co-creation in Online Health Communities: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda


Following the ‘Service-Dominant (S-D) Logic’, value co-creation is understood as the benefit realized by actors from the integration of resources through engaging in activities and interactions with other actors within the service network, wherein the environment acts as an enabler in ensuring high-quality collaboration among the actors. This paradigm has gained immense acceptance in the field of healthcare. These days, the patients are no longer passive recipients of healthcare services; rather they have started taking proactive roles in their self-health management. This paper attempts to understand the phenomenon of value co-creation among patients within online health communities (OHCs), through highlighting the theories, contexts, characteristics, and methodologies already explored in this area. According to the studies conducted in this field, value co-creation among patients results into cognitive, affective, and physical benefits such as reducing anxiety and stress, ensuring better quality of life, enhancing patient empowerment, warranting self-worth and well-being, amongst others. Following the TCCM (Theory, Context, Characteristics, and Methodology) framework approach, a systematic literature assessment of the research papers (published during the period 2003–2024 in journals indexed under Web of Science) was conducted through leveraging content analysis. This review synthesizes the insights from previously conducted works and presents a research agenda for the future work in underexplored or unexplored contexts by applying emerging theoretical perspectives and analytical research methodologies. Considering the role digital media plays in an individual’s life, this work will help in deep diving into the role of such online communities in the healthcare sector.


Himanshu Ahuja
Scholar, Management, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India

Deep Shree
Assistant Professor, DSM, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Health for Democracy, Democracy for Health