Re-thinking Community Mental Health from Interdisciplinary Gender Perspective: What Opportunities and Challenges Do Governmental Social Programs Offer Us to Advance Health and Democracy?


Community mental health refers to a process of transformation of community ties towards solidarity ties and participation towards the constitution of the community itself as an active subject of transformation of its realities for decision-making on its own health-illness-care process (Bang, 2014), recognising that a large part of health actions happens in the daily lives and practices of social groups (Stolkiner & Ardila, 2012). Three central determinants of mental health are forms of social-collective organisation and social cohesion (Bang, 2021; Galende, 1997), socioeconomic status (Krause, 2019; Lund, 2012), and intersectoral articulation and incorporation of promotional, community and participatory approaches in interventions (Leiva-Peña, et al., 2021), particularly public ones. In this context, the central role that communities should play in mental health has been reinforced (WHO, 2010) and gender has begun to be addressed as a determinant (Sen & Östlin, 2008), with special attention paid to women, and less attention to the experience of men (Krumm et al., 2017) and the LGBTQI+ population (Tomicic et al., 2016). Thus, it is important to explore how community mental health dialogues with gender and how it promotes democracy. The objective of the workshop is to promote dialogue and reflection on community mental health from a gender perspective in the context of governmental social programs. This study is based on a doctoral thesis in interdisciplinary social sciences carried out in FONDECYT Regular 1240405, “Community mental health: proposal of a relational model with a gender approach from work of social programs”, by Responsible Researcher Marianne Daher.


Antonia Rosati
Student, PhD in Social Sciences, Universidad de Chile, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile

Maria Jose Campero
Consultant, Consultancy, Chile

Marianne Daher
Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Interdisciplinary Health Sciences


Community mental health, Gender perspective, Governmental social programs, Interdisciplinary