Social Interventions for Community Mental Health Promotion: A Contribution from the Chilean Social Sector on the Well-being of People in Poverty Situations


Mental health problems are very important due to the high costs related to health, social and economic fields. This is of global relevance, being part of the Sustainable Development Goals. And it is of regional relevance, requiring further research in Latin America and Chile. In this context, community mental health is a reference to address mental health and connects with its social determinants: socioeconomic level, gender and social relations. Prelaminar results of the research project FONDECYT Regular N°12404045 “Community Mental Health: Proposal for a relational model with a gender approach from the action of social programs” is presented, related to the pilot program Mental Health Promotors of the Ministry of Social Development of Chile. Also, the results obtained from the FONDECYT Iniciación N°11200394 “Social programs for poverty intervention: Key aspects of the bonds” is presented, in which local initiatives and the dynamics of networking in mental health were studied from the Families Program of the Intersectorial System of Social Protection. In both cases, the experiences are described (place of implementation, recipients, objectives, strategies and techniques, problems and/or needs addressed, facilitators and obstacles), as well as their contributions to mental health care and well-being of people in poverty situations. The theoretical assumptions of the experiences and of the community mental health model they seek to generate are also presented, as well as recommendations for public policy and social contributions.


Marianne Daher
Assistant Professor, Psychology Department, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile

Maria Jose Campero
Consultant, Consultancy, Chile

Antonia Rosati
Student, PhD in Social Sciences, Universidad de Chile, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Public Health Policies and Practices


Community mental health, Governmental social programs, Social policy, Poverty, Gender