Deconstructing the Silos: Enhancing Programmatic Integration and Impact


Effective organizational change management requires adept leadership, planning, and strategy to develop an optimal and functional level of programmatic integration. Over the course of the two-year FSSDD grant, Northern Virginia Family Service (NVFS) experimented with achieving a viable means of enhancing an organizational culture of change. Integration in this sense is not merely cooperation with other departments. It is complete, as it combines the amalgamation of policy, practice, and procedure whilst providing a consistent avenue for effective communication. Assessment further drives that analysis, which is a necessity for an organization of NVFS’ size and measures community impact. NVFS serves more than 10,000 families each year in the Northern Virginia region outside of Washington D.C. Clients have experienced trauma, lack access to resources, and/or are from historically disinvested and immigrant communities. While NVFS service offerings are comprehensive, siloed structures, processes, and culture prevented the organization from realizing its full impact. Through a change management approach to integration utilizing inductive qualitative analysis, NVFS built the foundation through the creation of a Quality Assurance Department that directed alignment of systems, policy, training, logic models and standard procedures. Tools of integration, such as a Program Directory, development of a Global Pathway Model, and holistic policy alignment are some of the thriving initiatives realized and now employed at NVFS. This study examines the implementation of several initiatives at NVFS that facilitate and enable integration at different levels, with the goal of measuring NVFS’ impact on the community and offers advice for replicability in other organizations.


Michael Perini
Director of Research, Evaluation, & Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance, Northern Virginia Family Service, Virginia, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Physiology, Kinesiology and Psychology of Wellness in its Social Context


Impact, Integration, Social Work, Interdisciplinarity