The Phygital Approach in Medical Tourism


The study explores the transformative impact of the “Phygital Approach” on medical tourism, investigating its implications for patient experiences and healthcare service delivery. Emphasizing the theoretical underpinnings of this novel approach in the absence of extensive prior research, the study delves into the intersection of digital technologies and traditional healthcare practices. By employing descriptive analysis, SWOT-analysis the research dissects the utilization of digital applications in the realm of medical tourism. The findings contribute to the conceptualization of the Phygital Landscape in Medical Tourism, offering insights into its benefits and challenges. The study underscores the need for further exploration in this evolving field, shaping the future discourse and strategic planning in medical tourism at both national and regional levels.


Nikolai Grudtsyn
Senior Researcher, St. Petersburg State University, Russian Federation


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Public Health Policies and Practices


Health Care System Development, Digital Transformation, Green Economy, Medical, Inequality