An Unintended Alliance: The Impact of an Aging Infrastructure and Deferred Facility Maintenance on Student Health and Mental Well-being


Research indicates that an aging infrastructure and deferred maintenance of campus dorms in residential universities negatively impact the physical health and mental well-being of college students and their ability to focus on their academic learning. This study focuses on college students who have chosen or are required to live in campus housing. Employing a mixed method design we explored the experience of living in dorms that were substandard in physical upkeep and the inherent physical and mental negative impact on both students and environmental services and facilities employees. We sought to understand the emergence of resiliency and connection between the two; despite the negative implications the living conditions created. Emerging themes fill the gap in previous research by offering a tentative framework helping universities partner with students and facilities staff to enhance their campus residential dorm-life experience. The data gathered from both individual and focus group interviews and surveys yields new knowledge about the participants’ experiences and has implications for practice. The following themes emerged in the findings: a substandard housing environment affects student’s physical and mental well-being, students learn resiliency, independence and communication skills as they cope with the subpar conditions, students sense of self and feelings of safety and trust are negatively impacted by their subpar housing needs not being addressed by administration, subpar conditions provide an opportunity for students & staff to find creative solutions to the aging infrastructure and deferred maintenance problems in campus housing.


Andrea Mc Gill O'rourke
Associate Professor, College of Business, Franklin Pierce University, New Hampshire, United States

Verna Delauer
Associate Professor, Environmental Science and Policy, Franklin Pierce University, New Hampshire, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Physiology, Kinesiology and Psychology of Wellness in its Social Context


Physical Health, Mental Health, Connection, Resiliency, Subpar Housing