Information from Social Media and the Socio-political Awareness of Filipino Students


The Philippines is dubbed as the Social Media Capital of the World. With more than 100 million Filipinos in the country, 44 million are internet users while a whopping 40 million are active social media users. Filipinos are connected to the internet for a total of 166 days in a year, and out of this, 65 days were spent on exploring social media. This descriptive narrative research delved into the social media usage and socio-political awareness of college students. The study shows that students spend an average of four to six hours a day on social media, primarily Facebook (67.9%) and for doing nothing (42.3%), class-related activities (35.9%), when with friends or family (37.2%), job-related assignment (30.8%) and reducing mental stress (29.5%). The majority of the students were slightly aware of the socio-political issue and showed embarrassment at being unaware, even resorting to feigning knowledge.


Catheine Roxas
Faculty, Social Sciences, Bulacan State University, Bulacan, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Physiology, Kinesiology and Psychology of Wellness in its Social Context


Information, Social Media Usage, Socio-political awareness, Student