Exploring the Impact of Antibiotic Consumption on Cognitive Functions in Individuals with Altered Gut Microbiome: A Comparative Analysis


This scholarly investigation endeavors to scrutinize the ramifications of antibiotic utilization on executive functions by juxtaposing individuals characterized by an altered gut microbiome due to prolonged antibiotic use (experimental group) with a control group comprising healthy non-antibiotic users. The study cohort comprised 53 participants from each group, selectively sampled from patrons across three clinical establishments. The instruments employed for data accrual encompassed the working memory Daneman & Carpenter Working Memory Questionnaire, the Short diagnostic questionnaire of hyperactivity disorder and insufficiency of adults CAARS, and the Dennis & Vander Wal Cognitive Flexibility Questionnaire. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed using SPSS23 statistical software and MANOVA analysis. The outcomes unveil a statistically significant disparity in working memory, attention, and cognitive flexibility between the antibiotic-utilizing cohort with an altered gut microbiome and the comparably healthy control cohort (P < 0.000). These findings substantiate the proposition that protracted antibiotic usage may exert a discernible influence on specific cognitive processes. This investigation underscores the potential cognitive ramifications of sustained antibiotic use among individuals harboring an altered gut microbiome. These findings highlight the imperative for further exploration into the mechanistic underpinnings of these effects and their repercussions for patient care.


Shahin Javanmard
Student, Medicine, Halic University, Istanbul, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Interdisciplinary Health Sciences


Antibiotic, Executive functions, Working memory, Attention, Cognitive flexibility, Gut microbiome