Workers’ Mental Health Needs and Services in Viet Nam and the United States


This paper discusses an empirical investigation of the extent of work-related stress and mental health problems in the workplace among three occupational groups employed in Ha Noi, Viet Nam, and nearby economic zones. We also examine individual coping and help-seeking behaviors, family effects, service access and affordability; and professional capacity to provide quality referral, treatment, and services. We collected data (N totaling 146 participants) to answer these research questions: 1) What are the mental health concerns – research variables as work stress, depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse – among workers across three occupations: non-technical (i.e. factory assembly, hospitality services), technical and professional (engineers, accountants, teachers, etc.), administrative/managerial (i.e. supervisor, manager); 2) What are the effects of workplace poor mental health on family relationships; 3) What are the strategies to access appropriate and timely interventions for workplace mental health concerns? A Vietnamese-language questionnaire was administered using two formats: in-person administration for pen-and-pencil responses and Qualtrics online administration of Viet-translated questionnaire. We present patterns of mental health problems and service access. Alcohol drinking was prevalent specific to volume intake and frequency. Similarly, reports of depressive, anxiety, and psychological stress symptoms are notable and should concern both employers and health care providers. Appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics will be presented. Lastly, we discuss the critical need to understand the mental health struggles of workers and the challenges of their care provisions.


Paul Duong Tran
Student, Ph.D., California State University Dominguez Hills, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Public Health Policies and Practices


Workplace mental health, Family stress, Viet Nam