Dysphagia and Nutritional Status of the Institutionalized Geriatric Patient


Dysphagia is a geriatric syndrome due to its high prevalence in the elderly population, which is between 7% and 22%. In the institutionalized elderly this prevalence is between 40% and 78%. The nutritional status of elderly patients is a determining factor for their quality of life. Establishing food intake parameters that allow them to provide their body with the nutrients necessary for their health is not only considered a necessary action for satisfaction and satiety, but also for their physical maintenance. This condition related to the general body homeostasis will depend on many stomatognathic physiological factors, mainly led by a receptor system, sensitive, and materialized by an effector system, motor. The project presented aims to correlate nutritional status with presbyphagia in older adults in a geriatric home in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia, developed as a quantitative research, from a non-experimental approach of cross-sectional cut, evaluating 69 subjects belonging to the home, under the application of an evaluation form with registration of nutritional and phonoaudiological information during food intake. The results showed a significant statistical relationship with a value -p <0.05, between the nutrition diagnosis and the phonoaudiological diagnosis, where 100% of the individuals with mild, moderate or severe malnutrition record a diagnosis of presbyphagia; furthermore, in these same subjects, 75% of those with assisted feeding recorded a diagnosis of malnutrition.


Paola Andrea Eusse Solano
Professor, Fonoaudiología, Universidad Metropolitana, Atlántico, Colombia

Miguel Antonio Vargas García
Professor, Fonoaudiología, Universidad Metropolitana, Atlántico, Colombia


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Interdisciplinary Health Sciences