Young Carers during the Pandemic in the US: Experiences with Alzheimer’s Disease and Communities of Color


The abrupt onset and extended timeline of the Covid-19 pandemic presents unique challenges for informal caregivers exacerbated in communities of color, who even before the pandemic struggled with accessing adequate care and high levels of in-home care. Care in communities of color is largely provided by family members, including children and youth, under the age of 18. Yet how this care was impacted by the pandemic is just being understood. Twenty qualitative phone interviews with African American and Latino youth between the ages of 12-19 were conducted to assess how the Covid pandemic affected their care and well-being of themselves and the care recipient. Participants (n=20), self-described as females n=15 and males n=5. Equally African American, n = 10, Latino n = 9. All participants provided daily care with bathing, dressing, and transferring for a grandparent with ADRD prior to pandemic. Several themes emerged reflecting their changed care experience during Covid: 1) increased worry, 2) decline of care recipient, 3) lack of outside assistance, 4) impacting school performance and attendance and 5) influenced own well-being. All youth described less access to assistance, and overall, a lack of support during the pandemic. Potential for increased disadvantage exists for young carers during the pandemic, particularly in communities of color who have fewer access and supports access and supports. Thus, minority youth who are providing care during a global health crisis may experience uniquely powerful stressors that requires additional support.


Melinda Kavanaugh
Professor, Helen Bader School of Social Welfare, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Government and Society Collaborations: Responding to Pandemics


Young Carers, Family Caregiving, Covid-19 Caregiving