It Is Time to Address the Real Health Issues: Medical History


There is a big problem in our country with not being able to pull up a patient’s medical history. This is both in the public and private sectors. Not having access to a patient’s full medical history leads to a long list of problems, the main being misdiagnosis. Data Hive and IMEMED have already started to create an online platform to integrate all medical imaging data to a secure POPIA compliant location. The next step would be to create a request platform allowing doctors to search for any medical history relating to a certain patient and then request the documentation from the company/practitioner in possession thereof if they see that a study was already done for that patient relating to their current examination.


Angelica Nortje
Marketing and Software Developer, Medical Imaging and Data Storage/Security, Intelligent Medical Equipement, Gauteng, South Africa


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


Public Health Policies and Practices


Medical History, Cloud Storage, POPIA Compliant Practices, Data Sharing