Healing Trauma and Finding Hope in the Outdoors


This paper focuses on the role that nature and the outdoors can play in trauma recovery and grief/loss. An overview of the research is shared, along with important theoretical frameworks for human/nature connection and wellbeing. The ideas inform skill development in trauma-informed care and resilience-building and engage in experiential activities to deepen their own personal connection with nature. Due to medical issues, Dr. Norton was not able to submit her presentation for the conference this year; however, she is happy to connect with anyone interested in her research via email (cn19@txstate.edu) and she hopes to present at next year’s conference.


Christine Norton
Professor, School of Social Work, Texas State University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Government and Society Collaborations: Responding to Pandemics


Nature, Outdoors, Trauma, Grief, Loss, Resilience