Management of the Health Care System in the Metropolitan Area - Example of the First Polish Metropolis


Rational regional policy requires verification of potential development areas. One of them is healthcare, understood not only as the provision of medical services to the population, but primarily as a development area of the economy, on which a regional strategy building can be based, taking into account the characteristics of innovation and competitive advantage. The relationship between the level of health and economic growth constitutes a bilateral relationship. On the one hand, health is an important factor of economic development, on the other, economic growth has a significant, positive impact on the health of society. Metropolitan areas are a different form of organization and healthcare management can be implemented in contrast to the other parts of the country. This is due to the materialization of the idea of a flexible healthcare, regionally implemented using modern techniques of communication, knowledge transfer and high specialization, and based on the existing communications network infrastructure and the density of human capital, including medical professionals. The study includes the first Polish metropolis - GZM brings together 41 cities and communes with a total area of 2,500 sq km, where 2.3 million residents live, with 240,000 companies and enterprises, generating about 8 percent of country’s GDP. The survey was conducted using the Computer-Assisted Web Interwiew method in January - February 2022. It was addressed to entities influencing the organization and management of health care in the region.


Tomasz Holecki
Associate Professor, Department of Health Economics and Health Management School of Health Sciences in Bytom, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Slaskie, Poland


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Public Health Policies and Practices