Handmade Designing: The Psychological and Physical Benefits of Collaging


When you think of collaging you think of scissors, glue, and the mess. However, it goes far deeper than that. First, it is an artistic expression that even the least artistic or creative person can handle. Second, each person’s past, present, emotions, and desires will allow a completely different final product. If you gave 1,000 people the same scissors, glue, markers, and magazines you would end up with 1,000 visual representations of their psyche. And chances are, most of them will have fun doing it. In my presentation, I further discuss how the act of collaging can help individuals open up more easily since they are using their motor skills and having fun. These activities can be done in groups, allowing for bonding and flowing discussion during and after. It potentially creates an opportunity for expressing emotions without using words, which can be difficult for many. I also cover more of the benefits of collaging as a hobby and therapy.


Kyle Lutz
Designer/Print Production Manager, Print, Printshape, Pennsylvania, United States


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Health Promotion and Education


Collage, Psychology, Mental, Health, Creativity