Solution-focused Wellness: Examining the Effectiveness of a Brief, Web-based Solution-focused Intervention on Perceptions of Wellness among College Students


College students are experiencing increased frequency of mental health challenges. Contributing to compromised wellness are unhealthy lifestyle habits including alcohol consumption, tobacco use, dietary concerns, risky sexual behaviors, and lack of physical activity. These lifestyle trends, coupled with the increase in mental health concerns, have created a need for prevention-focused wellness interventions. Previous research has demonstrated the effectiveness of a brief, solution-focused wellness (SFW) intervention model, integrating solution-focused coaching techniques with a multidimensional model of wellness (physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, social domains), in reducing stress and improving perceived wellness. Given the changing digital age modalities for social interaction and accessing information, wellness-enhancing interventions need to adapt to evolving societal needs in order to provide maximum access. Based on success of the “face-to-face” SFW intervention, a web-based module focusing on social wellness was piloted to assess impacts of using a web-based platform. This study utilized a brief web-based, SFW intervention among college students, and employed a quasi-experimental, longitudinal, no control design. Data was collected from 130 college students at three-time points (pre, post, six-week follow-up). Results demonstrate significant improvement over time for perceived wellness, satisfaction with life, happiness, and a reduction in stress, indicating that this may be an effective approach to improving college student well-being. By increasing accessibility, more students may experience intervention benefits which may decrease strain on campus resources through prevention. In addition, this model provides an option for improving wellness and decreasing stress that can be employed multiple times per semester.


James Beauchemin


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Health Promotion and Education


Wellness, Multidimensional, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Web-based, Intervention