Hybrid Education Spaces: Unveiling Insights from the Playful Hybrid Higher Education Project


This presentation delves into hybrid learning spaces, leveraging insights from the Playful Hybrid Higher Education Project [https://playhybrid.education]. Emphasizing the dynamic interplay between virtual and physical environments, it underscores the significance of place and identity within educational settings. The incorporation of playful elements into hybrid teaching is advocated for to recognize the intricacies of hybrid learning, where participants navigate between physical/digital, synchronous/asynchronous, informal/formal, and structured/unstructured contexts. Additionally, inclusive design principles are highlighted, focusing on addressing human needs in these in-between spaces and affirming rights to access: to create an empowering hybrid education landscape.


Sandra Abegglen
Researcher, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Design of Space and Place


Hybrid Spaces, Higher Education, Playful Pedagogy, Inclusion, Teaching and Learning