Complexity of Asocial Forms – Critical Examination Based on Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory of Habitus


Modern cities undergo complex transformations that cannot be analyse separately. Citizens are experienced by fast pace of life, multicultural reality, digitalisation, environmental and economic crisis and many other factors. Overall image of a city is a result of various social and spatial details. Therefore, we need an interdisciplinary theory that connects all these phenomena. Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of habitus seems to be the right tool. Habitus, a built-in set of dispositions, is capable of explaining asociality of urban spaces. My research covers scientific essays devoted to different ways of applying habitus in architecture. I collected one hundred publications and named five main categories of the application of the theory of habitus in architecture: taste, capital, identity, art and relationships. Four out of five categories refer to asocial aspect of modern cities. Taste is a perception and valuation of the surrounding space. Capital covers the architect’s habitus and architecture understood as a resource, the control of which is a form of domination in the built space. Identity refers to a sense of one’s place as a result of compatibility of habitus with the nature of the built environment. Relationships describe connotations between social and built environment – a general atmosphere of the city – at a time of significant cultural, economic or political changes. This paper proves that misunderstandings caused by different types of habitus result in asocial spaces that satisfy nobody. Implementing habitus theory into urban analysis enables more comprehensive understanding of the current condition of our cities.


Katarzyna Dybała
Student, MSc Eng. Arch., Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Slaskie, Poland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social Impacts


Habitus, Environmental Psychology, Place Identity, Space Modifications, Urban Sociology