A Human-centric Transformative Design: Data-driven Decision Making and Immersive Virtual Reality Design Participation Approaches for Reimagining Architectural Spaces


This research embarks on a transformative journey, reimagining architectural space through a powerful blend of data-driven decision-making and participatory design processes using immersive technologies. In many cases, conventional design neglects the needs and goals of the end-users leading to disengaged and ineffective spaces, which is investigated through this research by directly involving the end-users, architects, and community members to create more user-friendly and effective spaces. To achieve this goal, VR technology is introduced to emphasize visual interactions, and to bring the real world into digital space ensuring data is accessible, understandable, and actionable for a variety of users, enabling informed decision-making and collaborative design processes. By delving into thermal comfort indices, visualizing solar radiation and wind patterns, and tracking resource consumption, the gains are valuable insights to optimize building performance, promote energy efficiency, and finally use the visualized data into a transformative design by creating a scaled prototype of energy efficient user-friendly spaces, which could involve data-driven decision-making related to spatial layout, aesthetics, accessibility features, and overall user experience in an immersive world. By visualizing design solutions in real-time, the platform helps to optimize space usage, facilitates preventative maintenance, and empowers end users through data-driven decision-making as well as promoting social justice by ensuring inclusive design and encouraging community engagement. This research offers a comprehensive and specific framework for approaching architectural spaces, which is not only transformative but also deeply rooted in the needs and aspirations of its users.


Mahzerin Sultana
Student, MSc, North Carolina A & T State University, North Carolina, United States

Shuva Chowdhury
Assistant Professor, Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, North Carolina, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Asocial Forms: Reconfiguring Possibilities of Urban Space


Transformative Design, Participatory Design, Data-driven Decision-making, Immersive VR Design Participation