Revitalization of the Historical Town Center


Conservation of heritage sites and structures has brought a lot of tensions to different individuals, organizations, and even authorities due to differences of their point of view about preservation of vintage built environment. To conserve or to reconstruct would often be a subject of debates among planners and decision-makers. Because of these struggles, historical sites and structures were left abandoned and neglected, and will soon vanish away. Malolos, Bulacan being rich with historical and cultural significance worthy for conservation was declared as National Historical Landmark in 2001. Its contribution to our identity as Filipinos is remarkable. The site has many ancestral houses, important political and administrative structures that do not only tell the past but display the artistry, craftsmanship and ingenuity. But through the years, its glory is gradually fading and its importance is slowly being forgotten. Revitalization of the Malolos Town Center should be done before it loses living testimonies of the past. Participatory approach is used to encourage community engagement and ensure commitment of authorities for the successful revitalization program. Archival research and site reconnaissance provide the needed information to further develop the study.


Ma. Teresa Gopez
Faculty Member, Architecture, Bulacan State University, Bulacan, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—Asocial Forms: Reconfiguring Possibilities of Urban Space