Investigating the Association Between Urban Form and Concentrations of Outdoor Particulate Matter in Children’s Everyday Places


Since the environment may be a determinant of children’s inflammatory diseases like asthma, a need exists for understanding the levels of concentrations of outdoor air pollutants which children are exposed to in their everyday environments and, from an urban planning and design perspective, the physical environmental factors that are associated with outdoor air pollution. This study investigates the association between urban form and concentrations of outdoor particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10) in children’s everyday environments in Ankara, Turkey. More specifically, we focus on the role of building density, land use mix, neighbourhood greenery and street connectivity, as well as some possible sources of particulate matter, such as traffic density and proximity to industrial areas, which may have an impact on PM concentrations. The data collection process started with conducting participatory mapping activities with children to document the places frequented by them. Among 2355 activity places pinpointed by 1687 children living in different neighbourhoods of Ankara, 160 outdoor points/places were chosen based on the spatial characteristics of their surroundings. PM2.5 and PM10 measurements were performed in these selected locations in a cold season (March 22 - April 18, 2023, average temperature: 13.4 °C; average humidity: 47%) by using DustTrak II aerosol monitors. Each measurement lasted 7 minutes. A multivariate regression modelling was used to understand the associations between the selected variables. The results provide evidence-based recommendations to urban planners and designers in their efforts to build healthier environments for all. Acknowledgements: This study is supported by TUBITAK. Project number: 219K243.


Yucel Severcan
Associate Professor, Dr., Department of City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Goksun Yildirim
Research Assistant, City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Nese Aydin
Assistant Professor, City and Regional Planning, Suleyman Demirel University, Turkey

Eftade Gaga
Prof., Environmental Engineering, Eskişehir Technical University, Turkey

Özlem Özden Üzmez
Assistant Professor Doctor, Environmental Engineering Department, Eskişehir Technical University, Turkey

Aybüke Balahun Çoban
Research Assistant, City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Gönenç Ozarlı
Student, MSc, Eskişehir Technical University, Eskisehir, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Environmental Impacts


Outdoor air pollution, Particulate matter, Children’s everyday places, Urban form