Convenient Urban Life Style and Marine Waste


Water based area is covering earth surface for 70 percent, and it is place for living organism, place of food and energy sources, as well as sink area from land based through water, canal, underground, bay, and estuary to oceans. Marine litter or marine waste is solid waste thrown to beaches and oceans. Plastics are accounting for four to twelves million tons of every year. Asia is one of the greatest sources of marine waste such as plastic bags, microbeads in cosmetics, soap, scrub gel, and toothpaste. Especially, microbeads from plastics from household communities waste waterways to ocean, river, canal, and ponds that can be released from waste water treatment facilities because they are very tiny that cannot be seen through bare eyes, and difficult to manage. When microbeads from plastic are in warm ocean water as well as reflected from UV ray from Sun, they can be broken into very smaller size, and can be penetrate into the environment, cells, molecules, and liver of living organism through food chain. This paper reviews marine environment, marine waste, especially contemporary convenient urban life style products on microplastics, and products that impact marine living organisms as well as ways to promote not using these products.


Umaporn Muneenam
Lecturer, Environmental Management Department, Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand

Pongbaworn Suwannattachote
Environmental Management, Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Environmental Impacts


Convenient Urban Life Style, Marine Wastes, Microbeads, Microplastics