Accessibility and Inclusion: An Empirical Insight


An empirical qualitative research study examined accessible use of space by hearing- and visual-impaired users in five academic buildings of a university. The research investigated common interior spaces using activity simulations, participant observations, and behavior mapping over six months. Activity simulations included participants using the spaces with plugged ears and five others using blindfolds and canes. Behavior maps and simulator’s verbal responses were recorded (25 behavior maps and responses per building), focusing on intuitive access, ease of use & navigation, physical safety, and psychological comfort. A qualitative comparative content analyses of these data drew several conclusions. Intuitiveness and ease of use and navigation worked well for hearing-impaired users, but crowded spaces felt unsafe or uncomfortable. Most spaces were not favorable for intuitive access, ease of use and navigation, safety and psychological comfort for visual-impaired users. While Braille signs were present, their placement were unintuitive and difficult to locate. Cluttered furniture arrangement, structural columns in the pathways, and unsafe stairways created serious problems. The conclusions illustrate glaring gaps of the notion of accessibility and inclusivity. First, the five academic buildings, while providing accessibility for wheelchair users, are not conducive to vision- and hearing-impaired users. Secondly, the current ADA codes need to be more holistic, inclusive and equitable. Thirdly, interior design must be much more cognizant of physical and psychological needs and preferences of all users. The empirical research evidence from this study will contribute to the body of evidence-based design towards creating truly inclusive interior environments and more robust accessibility guidelines.


Nisha Fernando
Director/Associate Professor, Interior Architecture, University of Kansas, Kansas, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Design of Space and Place