A Study on the Correlation between COVID-19 Stress and Residential Space Use Behavior of Korean Baby Boomers


This study considers the correlation between the stress experienced by Korean baby boomers due to COVID-19 during the pandemic and residential space use behavior, to provide data regarding residential spaces in an effort to promote healthy lifestyles after retirement in the post-pandemic era. For such purpose, 416 Korean baby boomers participated in an online survey. The COVID-19 stress levels of the participants were assessed using the COVID-19 Stress Scale for Korean People (CSSK) developed by Kim et al. (2021) based on the Scale by Taylor et al. (2020). Based on the studies of Kumari et al. (2020), Fabian et al. (2021), and Eliana et al. (2021), the changes in residential space use behavior were divided into control possibility, safety, and positive diversion and a survey with 23 items was developed. PASW Statistics 18 application was used for factor analysis and correlation analysis. The findings are as follows. First, COVID-19 stress factors in relation to baby boomers included the fear of being infected, rage towards others, and difficulties with social distancing. Second, factors related to residential space use behavior included support for various activities by changing the atmosphere, preventing infection by environmental control, and securing personal space. Third, COVID-19 stress factors and residential space use behavior patterns showed positive correlations, and difficulties with social distancing was the largest factor in bringing about changes in residential space use behavior.


Ji Won Paik
Professor, Interior Architecture, Inje University, Gyeongsangnamdo [Kyongsangnam-do], South Korea

Eunji Lee
Student, Master's Course, INJE University, Gyeongsangnamdo [Kyongsangnam-do], South Korea


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Environmental Impacts


Baby boomer generation, COVID-19 stress, Residential space use behavior, Correlation