Landscape Structure, Garden Practices, and Biodiversity in the Semiperiphery: How Are Current Residential Yard Typologies Filtering Urban Floras in Mexico


In its most recent report, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has recognized habitat loss and degradation as one of the main culprits behind the current biodiversity crisis. From the different phenomena that lead to habitat loss, urban development in particular has been associated with higher extinction rates. Urban green spaces have been recognized by numerous scholars as critical for the conservation and management of native habitats, biodiversity, and the many ecosystem services that they provide. From the various green spaces present in cities, gardened landscapes represent some of the least understood in terms of their potential to enhance biodiversity and support native habitat. In this research I investigate: How are current garden typologies understood as the sum of contemporary garden practices and structure, incorporating native and indigenous biodiversity in various residential home yards in Monterrey, Mexico? I use a mixed-methods approach to address the multi-disciplinary nature of the research. The main objective of the research is to improve our understanding on the impact that current garden practices and yard structure have in the consolidation of specific garden typologies in Monterrey, as well as the impact that these various yard types have as urban filters on native and indigenous flora.


Juan Jose Reyna Monrreal
Student, PhD - Science, The University of Melbourne / The University of Manchester, Victoria, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Environmental Impacts