Displacing and Re-placing Material Constraints


The workshop holds a central concern based on the relationship between object, space, and experience. It examines the ability of materiality to extend notions of time, space, process, or participation. A cartographic research approach is used in the workshop, which involves walking through Honolulu to record the relationship between object, space, and experience. Participates will engage in local fieldwork of visual mapping activities, which include re-arranging found objects (e.g., a discarded Amazon box, found sweater, a shoebox, etc.) and photographing the reassembled object within its space. A simple modification, as placing the found sweater on a park bench, the found sweater is no longer a lost object. Using photography chronicles the reworked object and its space. The images will be uploaded online as part of a digital archive (Padlet). Reworking the found object sets out to demonstrate the ability to transport the observer beyond the simple and immediate formal perception of the object as an observed element. The reassembled/re-displayed object and site portrays fragments of their former selves as a fusion of immaterial/material elements that are mapped and archived. As a result, the mapping and archive become a new reference point in ascertaining how ephemeral space defines a new experience by looking at how the found object and space present alternative narratives. This expanded space frames the interactions/experience, the memory of place as a metamorphosis highlighting the contrast between material object, space, and experience.


Demetra Kolakis
Course Leader, London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London, London, City of, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


The Design of Space and Place


Spatial Embodiment, Liminal Spaces, Materiality, Space and Experience