Nature-based Solutions, a Pathway for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: The New Metropolitan Territorial Plan 2021 of Milan, Italy towards a Reconciliation of Humans and Nature


In recent years, Nature-based Solutions (NBS) have up taken an important pathway within cities to unwind the effects of climate change. Since then, relevant research revealed that different mechanisms to implement NBS in the urban planning are needed to include diverse stakeholders in the processes of sustainable urban planning towards a reconciliation between humans and nature. Within these mechanisms, shared governance is used to collectively decide on specific pathways that cities can use towards adopting NBS in their spatial measures for climate change adaptation and mitigation on one hand. On the other hand, the intrinsic values from nature as a major stakeholder in the process are to be reconsidered. In this research, the development of the Metropolitan Territorial Plan (PTM 2021) of the city of Milan is discussed; specifically, the use of the NBS in the newly approved regulatory plan towards mitigating the current effects of climate change within the current strategic planning of Milan 2030. The PTM2021 discusses risks and vulnerabilities that may be tackled by nature as a priority such as sustainable land use and territorial equity. The established Pathway of shared governance within the PTM2021 is consistent with the guidelines expressed by the PGT2030 to increase and preserve the Natural Capital of the city within urban areas. Main NBS interventions from PTM2021 do look at mitigation of hydrological risks; as well as greening interventions that amplify the ecological networks of Milan. Hence, this research scope investigates the possible reconciliation of both humans and nature within the PTM2021.


Israa Hanafi Mahmoud
Assistant Professor in Urban Planning , Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—Human/Nature: Toward A Reconciliation


Nature-based Solutions, Strategic Planning, Climate Change, Milan