Beauty as Main Factor for the Transformation of the Place We Live : Bogota East Mountain Range


Beauty is an inspiration for every human being. In this case we focus on the landscape beauty more specifically in the mountain beauty as a context of study. For that, as an entry theme, we present a historical context of the beauty: trying to see the connections between words, historical moments and their perception, seeing the different relationships with the natural environment and particularly with the mountain landscape. In the other hand, we present the case of the east mountain range of Bogota city, as a great example of mountain landscape with the perception of the individuals. This part of the study guides another aspect, that is the multiple focus of this analysis; an expert inquiry and a general inquiry would give a much wider discussion. Finally, beauty and its perception is an utility for designing the place, for being conscious of our multiple layered place of living, where a lot of policies have been made, but not fit the reality and where those aspects of beauty, should guide us an accurate way for policies, planning, and design strategies merged with the place that we live.


Sandra Acosta
PhD, Departamento de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Design of Space and Place