Environment versus Housing Construction in East Kolkata Wetlands: "Illegal" Occupation of Ramsar Wetlands


With rapid urbanization and expansion of Indian cities, there is consequential depletion of wetlands. To preserve the wetlands and formulate policies to protect them, it is necessary to know the causes by which the wetlands are getting compromised. The East Kolkata Wetlands is one of the largest remedial wetlands in the world. The inhabitants of the wetlands have perfected the art of turning “Waste to Wealth” using the sewage and wastewater generated by the city, to produce fish and vegetables. In the wetlands, fragmented ownership of land between individuals and authorities, combined with the demand for land and proximity to the city, is making it vulnerable to urban encroachments. Before Ramsar Convention, these wetlands were used extensively for city development by both Government and Private entities. The process of first land reclamation on the wetlands started after Indian Independence with the need for a new area to handle the ever-growing population. The construction of the Eastern Metropolitan Bypass in the 1970’s ensured that urban sprawl would continue undeterred irrespective of the threat it poses to the wetlands. Even after enlistment of the Wetlands in the Ramsar Convention in 2002, which provides international legal protection, there has been some major housing constructions on it. To restrict urban growth, it is imperative to ascertain the methods by which land is being converted for housing needs. Based on the ground study and extensive discussion on planning practices in place, this research uncovers major methods in practice used to occupy and legalize the wetlands.


Nilendu Bala
Student, Master of Planning, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (SAPL), University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Environmental Impacts