Consensus Building Support Technology for Urban Redevelopment Using X-Realty


In urban redevelopment, it is necessary to implement sustainable area design from a broad, medium- to long-term perspective, considering land use renewal in surrounding areas. For this purpose, consensus building among various stakeholders is essential. However, there are large gaps in the technical experience and knowledge of each stakeholder, and these gaps make consensus building difficult. In particular, it is not easy for non-specialist residents to understand the future vision of their community after redevelopment. In those consensus building sessions, models and perspectives of the post-redevelopment area have traditionally been used instead of specialized planning maps and architectural drawings. In recent years, presentations using computer graphics have become the norm. Currently, xReality technology is attracting much attention, and we are now in an era where we feel familiar with these technologies. xReality technology extends vision and provides a rich user experience, and is expected to be a new consensus-building support tool in urban development. The author has been applying information and communication technologies such as GIS (Geographic Information System), VR (Online Reality), and AR (Augmented Reality) to urban planning, and has been developing a planning method that supports consensus building and provides visual technology that visualizes the future concept of the region and realizes spatial experiences. This paper discusses the construction of a consensus-building support tool for urban reopening using VR and AR, and the potential of xReality as a supporting technology for urban development through case studies in Japan.


Riken Homma
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Design of Space and Place