Critical Environmental Design Approach of Maya Stingless Beekeeping in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico : Facing the Frame of Current Mega Development Projects


Maya stingless beekeeping is an ancient practice that has been intrinsically linked to Maya dwellings, the diversity of their crops, and the native tropical forest in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. This legacy continues to represent a vital and interdependent balance between cultural norms and local biodiversity that has defined the configuration of the Maya landscape and space in this region for more than two centuries. Diverse socio-economic, historical, and political factors due to the globalization process have impacted lifestyle, and thus, the constructed environment, including Maya stingless beekeeping practice and territories. This paper focuses on a critical environmental design approach to Maya stingless beekeeping in the frame of some current megadevelopments.


Veronica BriseƱo Castrejon
Student, PhD Candidate, University of Calgary. School of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape, Alberta, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Constructing the Environment


Critical Environmental Design, Stingless Beekeeping, Maya Culture, Development