Ideology and Capitalocene: Understanding Ideology to Deconstruct the Anthropocene


How does ideology work? Some philosophers and thinkers had tried to answer this complex question. We will bring to the debate some contributions on this issue. A theory focusing on what we call “communicative elements of ideological difusion” (with focal point on architecture and city / environmental design and studies, our principal research field, but also language) and will centre on the correlations between silent “ideological beliefs” and working tensions in our society. Components could explain how “ideo-doctrines” is created and is kept alive and how it transports and deforms cultural, economic, social, and specific interests and agendas.During this session, those theories will be considered and applied in some of the fields (academic habitat, mass culture, sciences) related to the themes of this conference, proposing some actions to conduct changes in the future of constructed conditions, planning, pedagogy, territorial politics but, mostly, on how we study issues such as the anthropocene, the capitalocene and the built environment.


Gregorio Carboni Maestri
APA, Architecture, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2021 Special Focus: Building the Anthropocene


Ideology, Environment, Construction, Architecture, Labour