Women's Urban Shells: A Gendered Approach To Urban Territories


This research is based on a film and interviews. This paper focuses on how women would like to and could design urban spaces and urban project management. The main question raised is how women develop their own urban territoriality. This takes into account that urban planning has been mostly a man’s privilege. Hence, the related question stands for the nature of womanly formed representations and territorialities. Exploring the nature of those can lead us i) to raise awareness of the role women will play in the regeneration of old andro-centered or patriarchal urban models ; ii) to unleash women’s confidence in such tasks; iii) to design specific workshops informed by and aiming to gender equality within urban transformation. Throughout filmed interviews with women practitioners (architects, urbanists, organizational leaders) we address the question of how women develop their own sense of a daily territory in an urban environment? Furthermore, is there a feminine territorial sense that triggers a relationship within spaces and urban planning? Using grounded visualization crossed with visual studies and film geography, the analyses of collected data generate new leads for researchers and practitioners. Eventually, this is the mental and spatial construction of women’s urban shells that would appear within the masculinity of cities designs. Would it reinforce the 21st century women’s rights to build cities closer to their image? Women’s territorial performativity –or spaces for performances as expression of their suitable city—is likely to create more resilient cities.


Marie Luce Storme
Founder, Research, Media, Education, S.T.O.R.M.E., Genève (fr), Switzerland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Design of Space and Place