The Arctic Circle: Climate Change, International Law, and Indigenous Heritage


The Arctic, a region adapting to climate-related, and human-made factors at an unprecedented rate, and at the political whim of eight countries. This paper, based on a masters dissertation considers issues from the Arctic Circle. In particular, the Arctic’s geographical location; legal persona, cultural, and scientific significance. This study further promotes the concept of utilizing international, civilian stewardship, and scientific research as a means of climate action, which in-turn, needs to be supported through international environmental policies. This work analyses the Sub Arctic field research conducted by the author, in addition to its application towards an international, legally binding document, designed to reflect the challenges of climate change in the extreme North. This study pushes the limits for global environmental policy and action by addressing the inequity presented in selective-environmental governance and the climatic repercussions of these inequities, particularly for indigenous and rural populations. In addition, a comparative examination of Antarctic research and policy to the Arctic poses questions for the new environmental world order. Land and natural resources are foundational to global resilience, and human sustainability. The current age of anthropocene is at the crux of environmental degradation and the changes being studied throughout this research process.This paper expresses the prudent need for the utilization of international environmental policy, founded in sound-science, in order to create progressive systemic change in the most biodiverse and sensitive, locations of the world.


Keshia De Freece Lawrence
Program Coordinator , Earthwatch Institute, Massachusetts, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus: Building the Anthropocene


Law, Globalism, Environmental Impact Analyses, Climate Change, Sustainability, Indigenous, International