New Urban Design for Adaptation to Climate Change - Theory of Urban Relativity : New Scale of Territorial Planning between Utopia and Scientific Reality


New urban design technology for responsible urban planning of our living environments, based on our territorial energy indicators. The calculation of urban energy on several forms and strategic planning for adaptation to climate change caused by massive urbanization. A territorial planning of the urban project going from utopia to a scientific reality. An advanced morpho-typological analysis that we propose, “The scale of the electron is one billionth of a millimetre, the scale of the atom is one ten millionth of a millimetre, the scale of the cell is one millionth of a millimetre, the physical scale of man is one metre, “1 The scale of the intelligent urban project is the square micrometer (μm2), our new utopian scale of analysis introduced in the study of the urban project, which allowed us to integrate the territorial axis in the field of physical sciences to develop the theory of relativity in an urban context “beyond the approximation limits of the experiment. In micro-physics, to find the place of an electron, it is necessary to illuminate it with a photon. The meeting of the electron and the photon modifies the place of the electron, its future trajectory; it also modifies the frequency of the photon”.2 This allowed us to measure thanks to our “Index B. Smog [IBSmog]”3 the concentration of tropospheric ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) caused by the heat released from urban structures during high temperatures, the main cause of mortality and the change in the microclimate in our living environments.


Salima Bellili
Founder, New Urban Design Technology, Quebec, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Design of Space and Place


Territorial indicators, Index, Global warming, Urbanisation, Urban morphology; Energy, Building materials, Densification, Sprawl, Intelligent city, Intelligent urban project, Theory, Physics, Urban laws