The Role of Civil Society Organization to the Local Development Council in Decision Making


The participation of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in governance as outlined in the 1987 Philippine Constitution, which ensured the promotion and protection of people’s participation at all “levels of social, political, and economic decision-making”. The study identifies the extent of the Civil Society Organization’s role in the program and policy implementation of the Local Development Council. It also seeks to determine whether the number of members inside the organization influence the Civil Society Organization’s ability to effectively voice issues from the public. The study utilizes a quantitative research design using purposive sampling. The results show a lack of collaboration between both parties and requires further enhancement in terms of the development planning decision-making process.


Christine Mae Vargas
Student, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Bulacan State University, Bulacan, Philippines

Cristel Lema
Student, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Bulacan State University, Bulacan, Philippines

Irish Bantula
Student, College of Social Science and Philosophy, Bulacan State University, Pampanga, Philippines


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Social Realities


Participatory governance, Civil Society Organization, Local Development Council, Decision-making