Emergency Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation Program of Department Social Welfare and Development in Bulacan, Philippines


The study assesses the efficacy and satisfaction of the Emergency Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (EAICS) Program at Social Welfare and Development (SWAD) in the province of Bulacan in the post-pandemic era, focusing on its transition from Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) to provide a wider range of financial and material assistance. The study aim is to review various aspects of the EAICS program including demographic analysis, effectiveness assessment, beneficiary satisfaction analysis, challenges identification, and recommendations development to enhance service delivery. Mixed-method research approach was applied to obtain the comprehensive result. Findings reveal that while beneficiaries and Social Welfare Officers were content with the EAICS program to some extent, their feedback on areas of dissatisfaction proved crucial for guiding policy formulation, decision-making in resource allocation, program scaling, and enhancing academic research.


Dixie Mae Villacorta
Student, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Bulacan State University, Bulacan, Philippines

Owelldale Villegas
Student , College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Bachelor of Public Administration, Bulacan, Philippines

Regilyn Hipolito
Student, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy , State University , Bulacan, Philippines

Ma. Danica Villanueva
College student, Bachelor of Public Administration, Bulacan State University - CSSP, Bulacan, Philippines


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Social Realities


Emergency assistance, Crisis situation, Social welfare, Bulacan