Redefining Boundaries - the Symbiosis of Advanced Technologies in Architectural Learning


In the ever-evolving landscape of architectural design, the synergy between practice and education is fundamental in shaping both the theoretical and physical constructs of our built environment. While architectural practice has historically evolved in tandem with educational paradigms, there exists a burgeoning divergence precipitated by the rapid acceleration of architectural technologies. This schism reveals an educational framework struggling to maintain the pace of innovation, often remaining stagnant until market forces, stakeholder interests, and political influences necessitate change. As a result, architectural graduates find themselves as executors of established market trends rather than as originators of design thought and innovation. This article scrutinizes the steadfast incorporation of technological advancements in architectural practice and juxtaposes it with the sluggish adaptation within educational institutions. It posits a paradigm shift in educational focus back to the quintessential aspects of architectural practice, enabling students to commandeer the tools and forms at their disposal, thereby transforming from market followers to market leaders. Furthermore, the paper illustrates this theoretical proposition with a practical case study. It details an initiative where students actively engage with emerging technologies to reimagine and redefine spatial understanding.


Mustapha El Moussaoui
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Design and Art, Free University of Bolzano, Agrigento, Italy


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Knowledge Makers


Architectural Education,Technological Integration,Spatial Reimagination