The New Era of Extraction: The Biden Administration's Digital Transformation with Africa in Context


This paper examines the Biden Administration’s Digital Transformation with Africa (DTA) within the political, social, and policy context of extraction on the continent. Historically, the continent has repeatedly suffered from colonial exploitation of its mineral resources. The DTA has formed the Digital Policy Council to oversee $800 million worth of investments in an effort to digitize Africa. This initiative introduces a series of tradeoffs: infrastructure development and the modernization of services on the one hand; and, on the other, a host of privacy concerns. This paper reflects on this tradeoff from the perspective of Africa’s colonial history of extraction.


Michael Thate
Associate Research Scholar and Lecturer, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Keller Center for Innovation, Faith and Work Initiative, Princeton University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Histories of Technology


Extraction, Africa, Colonial History, Data Privacy