Designing the Future of Human Interaction: A Product Semantic Approach to Design Teaching and Design Thinking


Numerous approaches to product and design prove to create many opportunities on a domestic and a global scale for every user. The new user typology has also changed throughout the decades with technological advancements and the internet. Different approaches to design, connectivity, accessibility, affordability, productivity, and motivation became key factors that need to be analyzed while testing academic models in the design field for educating next generation of designers and users. The physiological and psychological effects of design should be examined in order to understand and establish design in a way to serve multitude of behavioral factors and expectations of humans. Design’s progressiveness and accessibility depend upon adapting to new movements and trends more frequently now than ever before which originated from social, cultural, and technological necessities. Due to technological improvements and capabilities, many of the physical interface that created essential connection between products and the user is lost and all products and services are affected. Humans used to benefit from products and services for various purposes; self-motivation, communication, and wellbeing being a few critical ones. This research is utilizing Product Semantics methodology and it is intended to validate the sense of wellbeing, how human cognition and biological processes could be affected by concepts of applied psychology and cognitive science that provide design field with an understanding of human behaviors with theories underlying choice, decision-making, perception, affordances, attention, and interaction for consciousness and self-value. It identifies critical concepts and components of ‘new paradigms’ from a Product Semantic standpoint.


Mekin Elcioglu
Assistant Professor, Interior Architecture & Industrial Design, Kansas State University, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—People, Education, and Technology for a Sustainable Future


Design, Product Semantics, Well-Being, Interaction, User Performance