Effective Cinematic VR Production Techniques for Law Enforcement Training: Empirical Observations of an Effective Creative Process for Educating with a New Technology


Eric R. Williams, co-recipient of the FBI Academy’s 2023 Science and Innovation Award for Law Enforcement Training, shares his processes, insights, and creative reasons for utilizing cinematic virtual reality (cine-VR) for effective scenario-based exercises. With a professional background in screenwriting and film production, professor Williams has been working with law enforcement experts for the last five years to perfect a blending of high-impact training/education with emerging technologies. In this session, he discusses and demonstrates his research and invites discussion of future directions for these technologies and their possible social impact.


Eric R Williams
Professor, Emerging Communication Technologies, Scripps College of Communication, Ohio University, Ohio, United States


Presentation Type

Innovation Showcase


2024 Special Focus—People, Education, and Technology for a Sustainable Future


Law Enforcement Training, Cinematic VR, Cine-VR, Immersive Technologies, Social Impact