Intelligent Chatbots for Positive Reinforcement in Young Learners


The research leveraged on the affordances of mobile devices in Nigeria to build conversational agents that interact with kids living in Refugee Camps in Northeast Nigeria. In this paper, I discuss the development of an interactive chatbot trained with the corpus of three local Nigerian Languages (Hausa, Fulfude, and Kanuri) and English (with translations both ways) to stimulate conversations, deliver tailored contents to the users thereby aiding in the detection of jihadist radicalization giveaways in young children through data analysis of the games moves and vocabularies. The study shows how the chatbot can tell the degree of radicalization in an individual and tailor the contents towards such user’s need. The chatbot is also being used for secure communications and as a natural communications framework for teaching local languages to non-native humanitarian aid workers.


Francisca Onaolapo Oladipo
Vice-Chancellor, Thomas Adewumi University, Kwara, Nigeria


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social Realities


Chatbot, Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Learning, K-12 Education