Behind the Data: Prospective Teachers Explorations of Educational In(equities) through Data Analysis


Computing has long been taught as neutral, value free, without direct connection to society. However more recently there has been renewed reflection on the technical tools that have a central role in solving social problems–influencing policies and practices related to predictive policing, surveillance, privacy, and bias; having, in short, a profound effect on our social life. At this point, multiple agents involved in computing and education are calling for a discussion of the influence of computing technologies on larger societal issues. There have been multi-dimensional efforts in this direction: redesigning high school computing programs that center on equity and justice, developing pedagogical frameworks for the same, and developing programs for the integration of computing into teacher education that recognize these larger issues. This paper documents efforts towards the critical introduction of data analysis to prospective teachers in the context of equity and justice. We present a curriculum module introducing prospective teachers to data analysis, and to a reflection on the social implications of technology use and computing. The purpose of the project was to: support prospective teachers in developing data-analytical and critical thinking skills; engage prospective teacher in the explorations of social and political questions surrounding the practice itself, comparing specific schools and drawing conclusions about the educational opportunities available to their students; and more generally, discussing bias in data sets and the impact of data technologies on society and individuals. The paper also discusses how this curriculum module and its implementation addresses critical computing education.


Ariane Masuda
Professor , Mathematics, New York City College of Technology, New York, United States

Nadia Kennedy
Associate Professor, Mathematics, New York City College of Technology, City University of New York (CUNY), New York, United States

Boyan Kostadinov
Associate Professor , Applied Mathematics, New York City College of Technology, City University of New York, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—People, Education, and Technology for a Sustainable Future


Critical Computing Education, Teacher Education, Prospective Teachers