Featured Workshop: Anticipatory Pedagogy in the Technocene

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Anticipatory Pedagogy in the Technocene: Using Storylistening and Genre-Based Speculative Fiction to Bridge the Gap between Collective Narrative Ignorance and Futures Literacy View Digital Media

Workshop Presentation
Christa Fraser  

Contemporary students and educators are faced with a future in transition. With the integration of AI into processes and documents; the use of Augmented and Mixed Realities to project content onto the environment; and the rise of Virtual Reality and other highly mixed, immersive, and interactive environments—in which humans and machines may co-exist in the same domains of research, knowledge, and learning—the future writing life of humans in academic and professional contexts poses complex and novel challenges. However, a combination of Narrative, Information, and Futures Literacies may provide a globally relevant pedagogy to address these challenges with foresight and preparation. In this workshop, participants will generate a speculative scenario in which they are at work in their future classrooms or workplaces and discuss the role of a genre-based narrative speculation framework as a tool for anticipating, forecasting, and preparing for the writing and communication demands of the future, which will in many cases be at least partially decentralized, highly media- and tech-dependent, and collaborative at a global and multicultural level.

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