Sustainability as a Cross-cutting Theme in Early Childhood Education: A Case in Southern Brasil


An analysis was carried out on the perception of teachers in early childhood education training on the concept of sustainability. The investigation is located in the field of teacher training in early childhood education and had as its problem the following question: What interventions and learning spaces can provide a more humane and comprehensive training in the professional education of future teachers who will work in the area of ​​Early Childhood Education? The development of the work had a qualitative approach in its data collection and analysis. In addition, it promoted spaces for debate and thus there was critical reflection on the contemporary world and the capitalist system, envisioning means for the realization of comprehensive education, under the perspective of sustainability. For this, questionnaires and the development of a short course were used as instruments. Regarding the initial issue, the study pointed out that the spaces and pedagogical interventions that aim to provide comprehensive training, need to first take into account the knowledge of students and then promote practices that allow the reading of the world, children’s universe and systematized scientific knowledge about sustainability.


Patricia Mendes Calixto
teacher/research, DEPEX, IFSul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Cristiane Vieira
Universidade Federal de Alagoas


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Education, Assessment and Policy