Planet For All: Arts Education Initiative Brief


Climate change is a huge issue in local communities around the world. Climate change is a hard topic to absorb and some people may have a hard time understanding sustainability and consistently being sustainable. Therefore our organization saw the need to present sustainability on a more local and community based level. Through collaboration, we created Planet for All. This is an organization planning to unite, empower, encourage and teach local communities on how to participate in sustainable living through our art exhibitions. If communities come together to learn about the environmental issues that face their communities, they will learn the small ways they can make a change. They can also learn how to start living their lives more sustainably in order to tackle these issues. Through this mindset, climate change can seem like a more manageable issue. By starting small, this strategic brief explores the possibilities meant for local communities in New York City.  The information in this brief was found by using data from local communities, educational/sustainable resources and articles. For the next three years, through programming, interactive learning, visitor/community engagement and partnerships, our organization will be able to confidently accomplish our goals. To further engage with local communities, for two years Planet for All will partner with local schools - around the planned exhibition location - to help students understand sustainable living through creating sustainable art. And with the help of partnerships, in the last year we will host an exhibition containing two installations, as well as augmented reality.


Gabriella Gonzales
Student, Master of Professional Studies, Pratt Institute, New York, United States

Danli Feng
Student, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), Pratt Institute, New York, United States

Emily Newcomer
Graduate Student , Arts and Cultural Management , Pratt Institute, New York, United States

Skye Prosper
Student, Master of Professional Studies , Pratt Institute, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Participatory Process


Sustainability, Community, Art, Technology, Partnerships