Sustainable Housing Development Index in Indonesia: Measuring Stakeholder's Perspective for Low-income Family Housing in Rural Bandung, Indonesia


This study proposes a Sustainable Housing Development Index as a measurement to assess housing quality for low-income families in Indonesia. The index is calculated through a formula which is developed from a Stakeholder’s Perception Map, using Importance Performance Analysis. The instrument of this study was constructed to measure Sustainable Housing Development, from the perspective of its Stakeholder. Data were collected from respondents who represent Pentahelix’s Stakeholder of Sustainable Housing in Bandung District of West Java, Indonesia. The result reveals that legal aspects of Sustainable Housing were the major determination in Sustainable Housing Development Index, followed by Government Roles, Business Roles, the Sustainable Housing Development Criteria, Academia role, and NGO roles. This study also proposes a quartile range of Sustainable Housing Development Index, from low to high sustainable of Housing Development Index, in which using this quartile range of this index, Sustainable Housing Development in Bandung District was classified as ‘low sustainable’. Nevertheless, this study suggests involving larger data from different regions in Indonesia, to justify its empirical evidence and to wider its usability.


Kurniawan Saefullah
Lecturer, Management and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

R Mahelan Prabantarikso Mahelan
Indonesian Banking School


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Economic, Social, and Cultural Context


Sustainable Housing Development Index, Sustainable Housing, Stakeholder, Importance Performance Analysis