The Renewable Energy Revolution: How the Growth of Renewable Energy Is Being Grossly Underestimated


Pundits and energy organizations like the IEA (International Energy Association) have continually underestimated the rate of growth for renewable energy. This trend continues in 2021 and 2022 as estimates for the growth of solar and wind in particular are based on the idea that growth will continue, but that the rate of growth will slow. The IEA estimates that the growth rate of wind power will slow in 2021 and 2022. Looking at historical data, current growth rates, continually lowering prices, and commitments by nations, locales, and businesses, it is clear that estimates for the future of renewable energy should be much higher than they currently are. This paper demonstrates that renewable energy is poised to become the number one source of energy much sooner that most estimates conclude. This portends well for the transition to a greener worldwide economy.


Adrah Niccolo Parafiniuk
Visiting Instructor/Ph.D Student, Politics and International Affairs, Northern Arizona University, Arizona, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2022 Special Focus—Post-Pandemic Sustainability: Towards a Green Economic Recovery for Nature, People and Planet


Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Renewable, Smart Grid, Hydropower, Green Economy